Risk consideration of the Self-Defense Forces special allowance ...

Middle East Quartet

Risk consideration of the Self-Defense Forces special allowance ... Middle East Quartet The Middle East Quartet (Middle East Quartet), refers to the United States to mediate the peace process on the Palestinian issue, Russia, the European Union, a person of the United Nations. Also called Madrid Quartet. Framework of this person, in response to the fact that conflicts in the Middle East has intensified in 00 years, was put together by the Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Us monoclonal. From 00 years over the 0 years, he had served as a special envoy of Tony Blair's. Special envoy 00 years, James Wolfensohn of the original World Bank President to the special envoy corresponding to the Gaza withdrawal plan has been appointed. But Wolfensohn has resigned as special envoy in response to the fact that increased the risk of armed conflict by the remittance stop to the sanctions and the Palestinian Authority to Hamas Islamic extremists. 00 date, this day retired as prime minister, also expressed the United Kingdom Tony Blair resigned also House of Commons lawmakers to accept the special envoy appointed request of the quartet.

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